
The news media has expended considerable effort researching and publishing information about the robotaxi business. This channel highlights some of the important articles.

SF Gate – ‘Fundamentally wrong’: Self-driving Tesla steers Calif. tech founder onto train tracks

SF Gate reports how Jesse Lyu was using Tesla FSD when it drove him right onto some streetcar tracks with a streetcar not to far behind him. And yes, Jesse Lyu ironically is the CEO of Rabbit, the creators of the Rabbit R1, one of the worst reviewed AI gadgets of 2024. Perhaps AI really isn't all there yet, you think?

Read MoreSF Gate – ‘Fundamentally wrong’: Self-driving Tesla steers Calif. tech founder onto train tracks

WSJ – Tesla’s Car Business Isn’t Really in the Driver’s Seat

WSJ reports on how Tesla stock capitalization has been completely disassociated from the business of selling cars. Instead, it is predicated on the myth that they are an AI, robotaxi, and robotics company given that their car sales are actually in decline. Ironically, after this article was published Tesla stock rose over 6%.

Read MoreWSJ – Tesla’s Car Business Isn’t Really in the Driver’s Seat

Torque News – Progressive Insurance is Penalyzing Cybertruck Owners Who Frequently Drive Using Tesla’s Full-Self-Driving Software – Dings for Hard Braking & Fast Acceleration Result in 51% Premium Increase

Torque News (yes, that is a real publication) reports that FSD on a Cybertruck is so bad that Progressive Insurance has raised insurance premiums for those who use it frequently. This is an independent refutation of Tesla's claim that FSD is better than a human driver.

Read MoreTorque News – Progressive Insurance is Penalyzing Cybertruck Owners Who Frequently Drive Using Tesla’s Full-Self-Driving Software – Dings for Hard Braking & Fast Acceleration Result in 51% Premium Increase

Washington Post – On roads teeming with robotaxis, crossing the street can be harrowing

Washington Post provides perhaps the most important article on robotaxis in 2024. The reporter demonstrates how Waymo vehicles are not programmed to follow the law and cede right-of-way. Instead, they intentionally mimic human drivers, including bullying pedestrians and not allowing them to cross in crosswalks.

Read MoreWashington Post – On roads teeming with robotaxis, crossing the street can be harrowing

TheVerge – NHTSA finally releases new rules for self-driving cars — but there’s a twist

TheVerge reports on how the Federal Government is proposing changing standards for autonomous vehicles, but that they expect a great deal of safety related data in return. At the same time, Tesla is trying to avoid having to provide the government with crash data since they have so many crashes.

Read MoreTheVerge – NHTSA finally releases new rules for self-driving cars — but there’s a twist