
Clearly the robotaxi company with the weakest sensors, the worst software, and the most deranged CEO. Fortunately reality has not been tainted by an actual robotaxis implementation, though long promised by their leader…

Wall Street Journal – The Hidden Autopilot Data That Reveals Why Teslas Crash

Wall Street Journal created two fascinating videos showing how investigators were able to obtain hidden Autopilot videos showing why Teslas have crashed. This is information that Tesla has tried to keep hidden, but hackers to the rescue. Tesla not using LiDAR sensors has been a deadly mistake.
Read MoreWall Street Journal – The Hidden Autopilot Data That Reveals Why Teslas Crash

Jalopnik – Tesla’s Aging Cars Aren’t Selling So Elon’s Making Promises About AI And New Models

Editors note: this article is worthwhile for this one quote: In a lot of ways, Elon Musk has built a complete house of cards for his stock based on promises and ideas that’ll just get kicked further down the road. In the meantime, though, enjoy the meme possibilities. See original article by Andy…

Read MoreJalopnik – Tesla’s Aging Cars Aren’t Selling So Elon’s Making Promises About AI And New Models